Diary of the Website

Diary of Making this Website: Day 1

I was sat on my laptop, thinking about my future. After having a tough 18 months, like many in the world, I wanted to do something different. Ironically, I have just got, a new job, as a security guard. No, it’s not a pizza restaurant, although it includes two different restaurants. However, I have more cameras than any FNAF game at 20. However, I’m not exactly fighting for my life, in my little office area. More fighting against my head about falling asleep, at 4 am in the morning.

So, I have a job, where I am sat on a computer, not doing much for hours. Why don’t I get a little career, whilst I do my main job. But what should I do? How about making a website, just as I wanted to do when I was growing up.

So what inspired me to make this website? I felt the Walten Files Lore was so interesting, that I wanted to create a website, that could be a part of the fanbase, of this dark, online video series. I’m not an artist, an animator, I’m much more of a writer. So how about writing about this great web series, and helping it grow even bigger. Hopefully creating a project, that not only I’m proud of, but the fanbase of the Walten Files can trust and enjoy.

Domains and Hosting

But, my inspiration increased for the project, when I saw the domain name, had not been bought, by anybody. Then the question was, which domain name, was the best domain name? thewaltenfiles.com or just waltenfiles.com. I decided that I would choose the shorter option since it is easier to remember. After that, I needed to find a place to host the website.

I chose Krystal, since I had a referral code, for the website, and WordPress was available to use through their hosting. I learnt the basics of WordPress years ago, but now I am learning, mainly through searching through Google, how to make this website work. So day 1, I launched the website.

I chose a theme, mainly because of the red button on the top right corner of the page, the ‘Watch Online’ button. Soon, I will be able to use that button, to send visitors of the website, straight to, The Walten Files’ videos. I guess I will have to learn how to do that, at some point in the future.

Just finished editing the Hello World Page, to be my first post on this blog. I guess it really is a blog. Am I a blogger? I don’t know if that makes me happy. I also tried editing some of the settings, but I will have to keep playing with them. So, I really am learning, by doing, and watching online tutorials. Hopefully, I don’t screw anything up!

But that is it, for day 1, of this website. More Diary entries to come.

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