There are two new videos from Martin Walls! They are both adverts for Walten Files merchandise. However, in more important news, they are a few small teases in these videos, for what is to come in Walten Files 4. But that does not mean, that you should not check out what Martin Walls has created, for your christmas stocking.
So if you want to buy the amazing Bon plush, like 3000 other people have, or even buy 2, check out
And if you want a Walten Files mug, t-shirt or poster, then please check out,
And if you want to see the advertisements, for the Walten Files Merchandise, click here.
But are there any clues in the new merchandoise, from a lore point of view. The Walten Files Poster 2, shows two teenage girls, in woodlands, at night with flashlights, as Rocket stares on, in the background. This might give us the hint. That at some point, Sophie, and presumely Jenny Letterson are going to go to Saint Juana’s forest, and find some new details, into the history, of Sophie’s family, especially Edd and Molly.
The Bon’s Plush Advert Explained
But what about the actual teases, in the announcement videos. Similar to the previous merchandise announcement video, the teases come near the end, but we have not seen the box again. Instead, we get a date for an advert, airing on 11th November, 1982. From Cyberfun Media 82, to air on Brighton Broadcast Television Local 57, an advert selling the Bon Plushie, from Bon’s Burgers.
Firstly, the advert has the same tone, and character portrayal as the video game, Bunnyfarm does, in its stop animation moments. Secondly, intersting that, this advert is dated as one of last events, in the current Walten Files timeline, (to see the timeline, click here.) Thirdly, pretty horse girl is back! Meaning she wasn’t just a character for Bunnyfaarm. Are we getting a horse and hippo animatronic?!

But maybe the most interesting bits of Lore, from this nice advert, is the final twenty seconds. The advert ends and is replaced, by footage, that will pressumely be a part of the Walten Files 4. First we see the pictures of Felix, Rosemary with Jack, hangin on the wall of the restaurant. However, when the flashlight lowers, we see Rocket is sat beneath the picture, of Jack with Rosemary. He has no eyes, and is not appearing to be damaged, unlike he was, after the accident to Edd and Molly. The restaurant doesn’t open before the Rocket doll is damaged. So that leaves two questions, and 1 statement.
Is this a new rocket doll, or was the original repaired, or is this a hallucination?
Why is rocket, in Bon’s Burgers restaurant.
Rocket is in Bon’s Burgers restaurant!!!
Nice Shoes
But the teases don’t end there. The images then change, to a pair of legs, from a person laying on the ground, with brown shoes upon their feet. Then the legs open wider, but this feels like an unnatural movement. It is too hard to know, who legs these are, but Jack Walten, and Charles are the prime suspects. But why is this person laying on the floor?

This might be resolved, by the final frames of these seconds, as Bon appears, from out of the darkness. That smile, is the creepiest it has ever been. But something to note, is the state of Bon. He seems to be brand new, and completely clean. Never has Bon, looked so new, and yet so evil. The way Bon’s eyes are positioned, would suggest to me, that this is the same animatronic, of Bon and not a new model.

That is really it, for the Bon’s plush video, in terms of the lore. However, I would recommend you check out this fun little video, by clicking here.
But moving on, now let’s talik about the latest merchandise reveal, and new Lore tidbits.
Boozoo’s Holiday Message.
I imagine Ebenezer Boozoo was not the character many thought would be coming back. But here he is, and behind his desk, he has some very interesting pictures. It appears to be Mortality (a character in Boozoo’s Ghosts) in the top left picture, with a purple bear? Rosemary is in the top right picture, but it is unclear what is happening in the picture, to Rosemary. The bottom left picture, features a man in a suit, with his left eye ball, out of its socket, looking upwards. I don’t know what this means. And the bottom right picture, is of Bon in his 1982, stop-motion animated form. We have never seen any of these pictures before.
But similar to the Bon’s plush ad, all the major lore appears at the end. Firstly we see Bon’s Burgers, original restaurant, before a few frames of what appears to be a radio, sat on a cabinet. But maybe the most important factors with this radio is, the video only shows it for a few frames, indicating to me, this is important. And that might be, because of where it is located. It appears to be, very close to where Rocket was sat, in the Bon’s Burgers restaurant, near the picture of Jack and Rosemary. Rosemary’s yellow jumper, giving it away. So why is the radio important. I don’t yet know.
Why? Where is Bon?
There are then a few different images, including Banny’s and Boozoo’s animatronic head on a work table. Then there are images of a little girl at a party, which is a quite concerning. I thought it was Freddy Fazbear’s Pizzeria where the children were in danger. But finally, we get to the interesting bit.
The screen goes black, and we here the voice, seemingly of Jack Walten again. However, he sounds different in this sound clip, than we are used to. He almost sounds, robotic when saying the words, “Why? Where is Bon?” I could speculate on what this means, but I just don’t have enough evidence to suggest anything. My two thoughts are, did Bon malfunction, before Jack Walten went missing. Or, did Jack get lured to his demise, the same way his wife, Rosemary was. Lured into a room, with Bon. Time will tell, but this might be a very important piece of dialogue, in the history of the Walten Files.
Of course, this Lore was curtosy of Martin Walls. If you want to support Martin Walls, please check out his merch store, .
And if you want a Bon Plushie (very cute) check out,
And if you want to see the advertisements, for the Walten Files Merchandise, click here.
Great content! Keep up the good work!
Thank You!
Top site ,.. amazaing post ! Just keep the work on !