The Showstoppers (Official Album)

A collection of music, produced for The Walten Files fanbase, based on the Bon’s Burgers mascots, The Showstoppers.

YouTube Video Description:

“This is an album that contains songs from The Showstoppers, the band from Bon’s Burgers, a guy named Ronnie sold me this cassette with songs from the Band from the 70s and 80s. Though it doesn’t have much to do with the tapes I’ve been uploading, it still counts as BSI lost media (even though i was told Bunny Smiles DID sell this album back in the days), I’ll try uploading more tapes soon, in the meantime, enjoy the album!” -Anthony

A bonus link for this video, by clicking here.

To go and see my advised order for watching The Walten Files, click here.