Are you wanting to write about The Walten Files, but don’t know how to? Are you a writer, wanting to do something for free, or just want to write something, that is for fun?
Wonderful! Then we have just the offer for you! Email us at and submit your letters and words. You can write about anything. The brutal homocide of a family, the physics of animatronics, the lore, a dog. Write about what you want to write about and submit it. It really is that simple.
A reward you say, Oh Dear. Our love and gratitude, and we will give you all the credit, and will even write a reference for you, if you need it for your freelancing thingamajig. The more you write for, the more you may receive. Honestly, this is not going to make someone dollars, but happiness, because we put smiles on faces.
Access to the K9 storage facility not included.