When watching reactions of TWF4, I was surprised with how many people thought, Felix may come to an end in 1974. So, this is a list of each character’s day of death, missing or final appearance they have the timeline so far. They are listed in chronological order:
Name | Date | Dead, Missing or Still Alive? |
Jason Pooltrick | 19th March 1952 | Dead |
Edd Walten | 2nd May 1974 | Dead |
Molly Walten | 2nd May 1974 | Dead |
Jack Walten | 11th June 1974 | Missing |
Susan Woodings | 30th June 1974 | Dead |
Charles Brook | 14th July 1974 | Dead |
Rosemary Walten | 19th July 1974 | Dead |
Ashley Parks | 13th July 1978 | Dead |
Kevin Woodings (Nephew of Susan) | 14th July 1978 | Still Alive |
Hillary B | 14th July 1978 | Still Alive |
Felix Kranken | 1st January 1982 | Still Alive |
Norman Pooltrick | 1st January 1982 | Still Alive |
Chris Easterday | 1st January 1982 | Still Alive |
Brian Stells | 10th October 1982 | Dead |
Jenny Letterson | 16th October 1982 | Still Alive |
Sophie Walten | 16th October 1982 | Still Alive |
Below is a further description of these events, which are these characters’ last seen living moments so far…
March 19th 1952 – The day the founder of Cyberfun Tech, Jason Pooltrick, died from Heart failure. His son, Norman Pooltrick, eventually took over the Company.
2nd May 1974 21:56 pm – Edd and Molly Walten die in a car crash, due to drunken Felix Kranken.
11th June 1974 – The date of when, Jack Walten, was last seen, according to his missing poster.
30th June 1974 – (TWF4 – 17:00) “The First” as Bon becomes possessed and attacks Susan Woodings, giving her the gift of becoming Banny. Now she is beautiful.
14th July 1974 – Charles Brook goes missing on the 14th July. He likely possesses the Boozoo animatronic. Charles is now beautiful.
19th July 1974 – Rosemary Walten, last seen on this date, according to her missing poster. Bon killed Rosemary by dismemberment and stuffed her remains inside of Sha. When she woke up, she was beautiful.
13th July 1978 – Ashley investigates behind the backdoors. She saw something she was not meant to see and now she is beautiful. She was screaming as much as she could, but no one heard her screams, inside Billy the Clown. Ashley is now beautiful.
14th July 1978 – Hilary and Kevin leave the storage facility, believing Ashley had already left.
1st January 1982 – There is a poster of Bon and Sha, celebrating the New Year of 1982, on behalf of Cyberfun Tech. Included in this message, is a note, signed from, F.K., N.P., C.E. (Felix Kranken, Norman Pooltrick, Chris Easterday) announcing all Cyberfun Tech services and workshops are to close, so the company can focus on a new project. The note is titled, Under Construction.
10th October 1982 + 00:44 – Date and time seen on the video, of Brian Stells, new Facility Caretaker, driving to the Storage Facility, K9, before being attacked by Bon.
16th October 1982 – The second day that Sophie Walten plays a beta version, of the arcade video game, Bunnyfarm. Jenny Letterson speaks to her at an unspecified later date.
This website has helped me so much when it comes to finding lore i didn’t know about. I have this website bookmarked and i check it daily just in case something new is added to it! Keep posting stuff, its really REALLY helpful!!! <3