A November 2023 minisode of the Walten Files. She is still there…
YouTube Video Description:
A small minisode made for Waltenews charity stream! Hope you enjoy. (Congratulations to ash/nachigo 5 for winning the trivia tournamebt and thanks to anyone who donated!) TWF4 is being made still and no setbacks have happened, it will release soon.
“News report my friend Joshua sent me by E-mail, he got it from an old TV warehouse in Detroit. The 4th compilation is currently being fixed, as the tapes are very corrupted. Enjoy!
News Reporter – Izzsplash
Dereck Collins – Voiceover_requiem
Interview 1 – Bloodycircus
A bonus link to the episode, by clicking here.
To go and see my advised order for watching The Walten Files, click here.