Revealed by Martin Walls on his Patreon, was a demo to Pumpkin Slaughter. He also added the following description:
“October 2021, Pumpkin Slaughter menu test, game on hold or scrapped idrk, it’s rlly just a small part-time hobby i get to when im real bored, this demo was completely lost along with most sprites, assets and sound effects on November 2021.”
The demo shown is 68 seconds long and shows the start of the game turning on, the main screen menu (New Game, Continue Game, Quit) before a level selection, and then the game loading level 1, at a bus stop.
It is obviously a shame that the assets to this project were lost. I think many fans of the Walten Files would love to see a video game adaptation of something Walten Files. For me, it is interesting that the game was not based on the main series, but instead, the spin-off video, Mysterious House. Pumpkin Rabbit, being the character on the main screen, with the pink rabbit clock, being on the level selection screen.
No Pressure
I think it shows Martin wanting to keep working on his franchise (The Walten Files), but maybe he found himself stuck after Walten Files 3. Or burnt out. So he tried making something that was not Walten Files 4 and that didn’t have any expectations. A project for fun, just as Mysterious House probably was for him in 2020.
But it is clear that Martin put quite a few hours into this now-cancelled project. The fact Martin has decided to reveal this demo, likely shows he is not willing to go through the same repetitive process, to get back to where he was before the assets were lost. The project was for fun. I think he had enough of those problems when Walten Files 3 files were lost.
So it is likely Pumpkin Slaughter is not coming soon. But to see the actual menu demo, join Martin Walls on Patreon. He also, just released a nice, scary picture of Boozoo, likely to appear in Walten Files 4. So, to see both assets and much more, click here, and join Martin Walls on Patreon.