Below are the dates and events added to the main timeline of the Walten Files, from The Walten Files 4, Cyberfun Tech, and the secret video, Lacrimosa. They are in date order:
1962 – (TWF4 – 01:50) There is a black and white poster on screen that states, “Thank you for being a part of the Bunny Smiles Company 1962.”
10th October 1970 – (TWF4 – 02:55) A note from Charles Brook, “Hi! Just got hired officially as the computer supervisor for ‘unnamed Bunny Smiles Restaurant’ (though I’ve been coming up with a few names myself). I’ve known these guys for a while, their family! I’ve done some work for them along with Susan for years now, even before Cyberfun Tech! Getting to meet the Waltens and the Krankens has been Super Fun! So Excited to get to work! The Future is bright. C.B. [P. 27:12]”
1974 – (TWF4 – 09:53) A title card appears, saying, “What is the Cyberfun Console? Cyberfun Tech 1974”
21st January 1974 – (TWF4 – 09:56) “Walkaround Test” with Banny observed by Susan and Charles.
7th March 1974 – (TWF4 – 11:40) “Facial Tracking” with Sha, observed by Susan and Charles. They also discuss the issues of Felix;’s addiction that even Chris knows about it.
30th April 1974 – (TWF4 – 07:12) Rosemary Walten talks about creating the concept art she created for the characters of Bon’s Burgers.
3rd May 1974 12:23 am – (TWF4 – 20:28) Jack Walten drives to Felix’s house, looking for him, and his children Edd and Molly. He is distressed, but Felix is not home.
3rd May 1974 8:56 am – (TWF4 – 22:36) Felix has dug three graves, but decides to leave the third empty. He throws items of Edd and Molly into the river, but fails to throw himself, or Rocket into the Clearhill river.
4th May 1974 02:33 am – (Lac – 00:20) Police are seen at Clearhill river, investigating the disappearance of the Walten children.
5th May 1974 – (TWF4 – 25:15) Felix records a message to himself, talking about telling Jack and Rosemary Walten about the car crash, but not all the details of what happened. He also talks about Rocket, before being scared by the voices of Edd & Molly, seeming to possess Rocket.
13th May 1974 – (TWF4 – 14:12) “THE GLITCH” Boozoo face scans Rocket Rabbit. It doesn’t recognize any faces, but the ghostly forms of Edd and Molly appear.
30th June 1974 – (TWF4 – 17:00) “The First” as Bon becomes possessed and attacks Susan Woodings. Now she is beautiful.
1st July 1974 1:36 am – (TWF4 – 28:08) Bon is putting Susan inside of Banny. This happens before a conversation takes place in Wonderland, between Susan & “Bon”. Edd & Molly (Rocket) can only watch as these events take place.
7th or 8th July 1974 – (TWF4 – 08:33) A letter from Norman to Felix, about Susan Woodings going missing. To read the full letter, click here.